Listen with your Heart

we have a mentee-led approach to mentoring.
this means listening deeply & letting mentees lead the journey. your role as a mentor is to be an ally, not an expert.


The Difference between Coaching & Mentoring
Coaching usually requires instruction and skill improvement / development. When you are a coach you are assessed based on goals and outcomes. With Mentoring your job is to listen and provide guidance and support. It’s not outcome or results driven. You are listening to your mentee and cheering them on as an ally.

Mentors & Mentees are in an Equal Partnership
Although there may be an age difference and the mentor obviously may have more life experience, our approach to mentoring is that it is an equal partnership. Both can learn from each other because each person is bringing a unique perspective to each situation. By listening to our Youth we can uncover a lot about ourselves!


measurING inner wealth for both mentors & mentees

Rather than focusing on goals and outcomes for the mentoring program, we are focused on how much Inner Wealth each Mentor and Mentee is experiencing. We invite everyone to do an Inner Wealth Inventory at the beginning and end of the Mentoring Program.

The Inner Wealth Inventory focuses on the following statements and you get to score yourself from 1 to 5 (1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree) and by the end you’ll get a sense of how much inner wealth you are experiencing.

1. I feel a sense of purpose every day.
2. I am confident in my ability to overcome future hardship.
3. I trust my judgment to make good choices.
4. I am good at trusting myself.
5. I feel fulfilled as a person.
6. I am able to recognize “what is going right” in the moment.
7. There is a positive balance in my life.
8. I feel confident most of the time.
9. I believe I have the power to make positive changes in my day to day life.
10. I know how to calm myself down when I am upset.
11. I am able to honor my own strengths and I believe them, even when faced with challenges.
12. I can take charge of my life each day; setting goals and following through.
13. Most of the time I am able to tolerate challenging feelings

This inventory is not about getting a high score, it’s about being honest with where you are at and cultivating awareness. Because awareness ultimately leads to better choices and more inner wealth.

If you have any questions regarding our approach, please get in touch.

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