“From Refuse to Resource: Personal Transformation and the Alchemy of Composting”

In this workshop

Participants are invited on a journey to reframe our perspectives on 'waste' - our neglected thoughts, emotions, and experiences - as invaluable resources for growth and renewal.

This workshop interweaves the principles of composting with the Nurtured Heart Approach™️ offering an insightful perspective on personal development, environmental stewardship, and the enrichment of our relationships with ourselves, others, and the planet.

composting as a metaphor for life

The heart of the workshop is viewing composting not just as an inevitable and essential ecological act, but as a metaphor for life itself. It encourages us to re-evaluate and repurpose the internal 'refuse' of our lives, turning it into fertile ground for new possibilities and connections. 

We will explore how composting mirrors the process of personal transformation, leading to deeper, more meaningful relationships and a greater sense of environmental and personal responsibility. Through engaging discussions and practical exercises, attendees will discover the joy and empowerment of nurturing their nature, contributing to a cycle of continuous growth and positive impact.

Next Workshop: Bhutan, June 2024

Our next workshop “From Refuse to Resource: Personal Transformation and the Alchemy of Composting” will be taking place in Bhutan in June 2024. If you are interested in attending the workshop in Bhutan, please email us for information.

About the Facilitator

Sagara Sanchez-Reinoso

Sagara believes that everyone is born with limitless potential and that it’s the seeds we water that flourish.

Endlessly passionate about the transformative cycles of nature, she is mother to thousands of composting worms.

  • Raised by the world for the world, Sagara believes in the flourishing potential within everyone and approaches life with a profound curiosity and fascination with transformative processes.

    As a multi-lingual, multi-cultural, and multi-dimensional woman of the world, Sagara has a diverse background of experiences that empower her to interweave between cultures and explore areas of shared growth. Fluent in English, Spanish, German, and Swiss French and enriched by living in many different places in the world, her life is like an intricate tapestry of worldly perspectives and global insights.

    Central to her guiding principles is the Nurtured Heart Approach (NHA); a revolutionary method that has reshaped her personal journey, her approach to parenting, and her professional and interpersonal connections. Deeply passionate about ‘paying it forward’, Sagara has been honored to collaborate closely with the creator of NHA and helped co-found the Nurtured Heart Institute which serves a global community of parents, teachers, and professionals and the thousands and thousands of children they serve.

    Sagara thrives on what she is constantly learning firsthand from nature (gardening/regenerative farming/composting and the oceans and waters she loves). When not traveling, she spends as much time as she can on the big island of Hawaii and finds joy in the simple things, from tending to composting worms to the ritual of brewing tea. Her mission is straightforward yet profound: to inspire and empower with care, cultivating inner wealth for all.

would you like to host this workshop?

Please get in touch if you would like to host this workshop in your local area. Sagara Sanchez-Reinoso travels the world sharing her love for worms, composting and The Nurtured Heart Approach.

If you would like to facilitate this workshop, please get in touch for more information.