First Meeting Checklist for Mentors

Use this checklist as a guide and feel free to adapt it so it sounds and feels like you.


  • Check out your mentee's profile..
    See what their hobbies and interests are.

  • Send through a quick intro via Mentorloop chat.
    Give them a bit of background on who you are to break the ice.

  • Ask them to introduce themselves.
    If they haven't already, ask them to share a bit about themselves.

  • Consider your own experience and strengths

    Have a think about what you can bring into this relationship.

  • Consider what you want to get out of this relationship

    Mentors can gain so many great things from being truly present for someone - mentoring is always a two-way street.


  • Set the parameters

    Get the housekeeping out of the way early. Schedule your 2 x month meetings.

  • Introductions!

    Give your mentee a more in-depth overview of your experience. Share transparently about your journey.

  • Why are you here?

    Let your mentee know why you're offering your time and how it adds value to your life.

  • Make sure you're listening

    Make sure you come away with a clear sense of what your mentee is experiencing.


  • Review and reflect

    Consider what you discussed, review your mentee's meeting wrap-up and send some additional feedback if applicable.

  • Share some resources

    Now that you have some idea of what your mentee wants and needs, share some relevant blogs or podcasts to get them started.

  • Encourage your mentee to schedule your next catch up

    If your mentee hasn't tried to schedule or confirm your next meeting after a few days, they might be feeling a bit shy - reach out!


Youth Mentoring Program Standards