Make a donation to the women in the Orthodox Jewish community

Jewish Women's Leadership Convention 2024

training, education and support for orthodox JEWISH women

When you support a mother in the Orthodox Jewish Community, you are not only supporting her and her children but also the wider community.

We believe the Nurtured Heart Approach can transform a woman’s experience of parenting by giving her the resources and tools to help her parent in the most difficult moments.

By helping women discover their InnerWealth, we can impact the next generation.

*When you make donation, please specify in the notes that you want your donation to go to the Jewish Women’s Fund.


Below is little guide incase you want to donate to a full or partial scholarship.

  • CTI Event Sponsor: $10,000

  • Sponsor attendees: $2000pp

  • Sponsor a partial scholarship: $1000pp

  • Sponsor registration: $500pp

Please know that any amount helps, no donation is too small. Thank you for your generosity!

A message from mussi diskin:

For the first time in history an opportunity has opened for the Nurtured Heart Approach® Certification Training Intensive (CTI) to be taught and facilitated by an Orthodox Jewish woman, Advanced Trainer Mussi Diskin, catering specifically to the women of the Orthodox Jewish Community.

The orthodox culture revolves around youth and education. Big families are the norm and every child is seen as a blessing and gift. “Every human is an entire world” (Ethics of our Fathers) is a guiding principle and built into the fiber of the belief system.

This is a community where education is sacred and a teacher is considered clergy.

The educational system is largely directed by women. This training is opening a possibility to change the trajectory of thousands of religious homes, schools, and institutions.

With such a large focus and dedication to fostering a thriving community and healthy, vibrant families, there is often a lesser emphasis on finances and a training like this one may feel out of reach for many.

With your generous donation, we hope to offer a scholarship to those women who are struggling financially and enable them to experience the CTI transformation. In return, these women will be committing to pay it forward in some way via providing or arranging free workshops within their smaller community circles.

With your help an entire generation of today’s religious youth could be given the chance of a life brimming with connection, Inner Wealth™ and continued higher purpose.

We value your donation and meaningful gift and the incredible generosity this reflects in you. Here’s to lighting up the world, one precious heart at time.

You ARE a world-lighter, and we couldn’t be more grateful.


Mussi Diskin and the NY CTI 2024 Team

Attendees of a CTI will be able to:

  • Utilize the core methodology of the Nurtured Heart Approach® (NHA), The Three Stands.

  • Identify ways NHA applies to all children regardless of their level of intensity, social-emotional development, or resistance.

  • Apply the skills to build Inner Wealth® through development of relationships, intentional reflection of successes, and established limits.

  • Choose relentless positivity and clarity, despite challenging circumstances.

  • Create strategies for the use of NHA within one’s self talk and adult relationships.

  • Explain how to use the implementation of NHA utilizing support resources.

Here’s what the women get at a CTI:

  • Experiential exercises to root themselves into the experience of NHA. Work with partners, small groups, and individual assignments, all designed to keep themselves engaged.

  • Training Videos of NHA in action. These examples will show them how natural NHA is and how to use it effectively. .

  • Attend multiple Advanced Trainer led breakout groups to ask questions and learn by doing.

  • Expertly-guided activities devoted to creating success with NHA in their lives. Explain how to use the implementation of NHA utilizing support resources.

  • Time to network and create supportive alliances. Many purposeful projects and collaborations have been born at CTI.


Donate to the Spanish Community Fund